What is Pre-Employment Assessment Tests? How can I prepare?

Pre-employment Assessment are a methodical approach to collect data about candidates during the recruitment process. Professionally designed, well-validated pre-employment tests share a feature in common: they provide an efficient and precise method to assess the abilities of a candidate and their personality traits. Pre-employment assessments in accordance with the type of test taken and the results, provide valuable details about an candidate’s abilities to work within the workplace.

What are pre-employment assessment tests?

In recent years Pre-employment tests have grown in importance to help control and filter large applicants. In the past, the Internet makes it easier than ever before for job seekers to submit applications for employment. according to one study, each corporate job ad receives on average 250 applicants. Some job seekers, often referred to as “resume spammers,” send emails with mass messages in their applications, ignoring necessary credentials or job-fit. 

Candidates spend only 76 seconds the task of reading every requirement for each job and, therefore, it’s not surprising that recruiters discover that more than 50% of applications aren’t meeting the basic requirements for the job. Therefore, the majority of hiring managers don’t have the time and resources needed to assess each applicant’s profile as recruiters spend to just 6.25 seconds to reviewing every CV.

Types of Pre-Employment Tests

Exams for pre-employment are available in a variety of dimensions and shapes. Examiners will go through five distinct kinds of tests including character, aptitude mental maturity, risk and tests for skills.

Aptitude Tests

The ability to think rationally, solve problems, and the ability to learn knowledge, apply, and integrate new knowledge are tested through aptitude tests. In the end, tests for cognitive aptitude are designed to assess the general intelligence of a person’s mental capability. According to one study 70 percent of companies were looking for people with problem-solving skills as well as 63% of companies were looking for analytical skills. 

These abilities are difficult to assess based solely on resumes or interviews, which is where aptitude tests can be useful. Aptitude tests can be used in any workplace but they’re the most efficient in mid- and upper-level jobs. Exams for aptitude tests are the most essential capabilities needed to succeed in a broad range of careers, so it’s not surprising that it’s the best indicator of satisfaction at work.

However, research has shown that tests of mental aptitude are far more effective in predicting success at work than other hiring criteria aptitude tests are twice as precise as interviews for jobs and three times as precise as the experience level in addition, four times precise in relation to educational level.

pre assessment

Personality Tests

While personality tests are becoming more popular with HR managers, there remain certain misconceptions about the nature of them and the ways hiring executives might benefit from them.

The tests for personality can be used to determine: Would the candidate be satisfied with the job? Does the candidate exhibit the behaviors that are associated with the success of their job? There aren’t any wrong or right answers on questions, unlike aptitude tests. These tests are more about determining the extent to which individuals possess characteristics of behavior that tend to be stable over time. Through determining whether a candidate’s behaviors are an ideal fit for the position and the corporate style, these traits will help employers determine if they are a good suitability.

Tests for personality can be used to assess a variety of aspects however they are based on the “Five Factors” or “Big Five Model” is the most commonly employed personality test method. Socialability, Conscientiousness, assertiveness, openness (to knowledge) as well as Stress tolerance are five traits of personality that frequently show up in empirical research. 

The concept that there are character “traits” is now broadly recognized. It has mostly replaced the earlier model of Carl Jung that referred to personality “types,” which was built on a concept of personality that divided individuals into two distinct categories that included loner and outsider thinking or feeling, Type A or. There is evidence that suggests that a rigid distinction between two distinct types is not a good representation of the complexity of human beings; hence the characteristic model is beginning to gain popularity in research on personality.

Emotional Intelligence Tests

The tests that test for emotional intelligence are relatively new area of evaluation. Emotional maturity, also known as EI is a new phenomenon that was popularized in the late 1990s. The concept that one can be emotionally mature has been more relevant in the workplace all the time.

Based on research findings, transformative leadership has been associated with crucial job outcomes such as specific biochemical and motivational factors, collaboration and making decisions. Emotional intelligence has been found to be linked to the development of organizations. In the end, employers are increasingly attuned to evaluating EI in the recruitment process.

Risk Tests

Risk assessments are fundamentally helpful to businesses to reduce risks. Risks can take a variety of forms and many different types of assessment methods are employed to determine different risks. The main benefit of hazard assessments is in helping companies in reducing the risk of employees who engage in dangerous or unsafe working procedures.

Skills Tests

Skills tests assess the ability to perform in a job like the ability to communicate and numeracy skills, interpersonal abilities as well as more specific skills like programming and typing. These are skills acquired through their education and experience They do not always be a fundamental skill, but rather acquired information, regardless of what the candidate has learned to accomplish through previous knowledge.

How do I prepare?

Be familiar with the tests

Personality, aptitude and skills tests are the three most common kinds of tests for pre-employment. For a better experience be familiar with the type of test you’ll take.

Create the scene

A lot of companies require candidates to take the test prior to proceeding to the interview process. Find out how long it will take for you to complete the test in the event that you take the tests online rather than in the office of your employer, and make sure you are not distracted during the exam.


Be aware that pre-employment testing results are just one of the many factors employers look at when determining whether or not you’re suitable for the job. Your impressive resume is still vital!

Follow the directions

Inability to follow directions is easily the most frequent mistake made by students taking tests. You can read and understand the instructions as long as you want!


In the current economic culture the pre-employment tests can be beneficial for companies who are looking to hire top individuals. All sizes of companies can be able to better manage the large amount of applicants looking for job openings by incorporating pre-employment tests into the selection process for candidates. Although technology may be the primary factor responsible for the increase of applications for jobs, the technology can be a solution, by making the pre-employment test easier to integrate into the process of recruiting.